Centennial Book
For the 100th Anniversary of the Putnam City School District
the Putnam City Schools Museum has created a book to commemorate the Centennial.
The Putnam City Centennial History Books are Here!
The books are available at the Putnam City Schools Museum at NW 40th and Grove during normal museum hours each Saturday from 10 am to 2 pm, or by mail via mail-in order (just print the form on this website and mail to us) or via Paypal. The prices are on this page.
The reception to the book has been outstanding, and the Metropolitan Library has even ordered copies for their branches. The Centennial book will also be sold at the All School Reunion Pancake Breakfast and Medallion Program as well as during special occasions.
NEW CENTENNIAL BOOK PRICES BELOW......$25.00 plus tax and postage as it applies.
Use the Paypal Donate button to pay for books, including the information above. The Paypal Donate button is on the Home Page HERE.
****Please note! To pay with Paypal, use one of the Options Numbers# listed below to fill in the amount. Put your name and address on it for our records and/or for shipping to you. ****
Supplemental DVD included in the jacket cover of each book.
In each book cover jacket there is also included a DVD that has lists by year with alumni names of all the Graduating Classes from all three High Schools from 1924 to 2013.
On the DVDs are also included all of the Yearbook covers and Senior pictures from 1914 to 2013 by year for Putnam City School High School, Putnam City West High School and Putnam City North High School.
How to Buy the 100 Year Centennial Book if you are paying by check or money order
For the first time ever, you can have your own personal copy of the complete Putnam City Schools story! Containing approximately 250 page of school district history and illustrated with hundreds of priceless photos, there will also be numerous personal anecdotes and recalled memories. Just fill out the order form below and send it with your payment to the Putnam City Schools Museum.
Putnam City Schools Museum
C/O Putnam City Schools
5401 NW 40 TH
Oklahoma City, OK 73122
Use Option #1 for buying a book in Oklahoma and picking it up or buying at school functions (tax is included in price) - $27.13
Use Option #2 if you are buying it out of Oklahoma and having it mailed to you (no tax). Postage included in price - $32.00
Use Option #3 If you are buying in Oklahoma and having it mailed to you. Price includes tax and postage - $34.13
Your Name :
Street Address:
City, State, Zip:
Email Address: Phone:
Information contained on this form is confidential
and will not be shared. Please make checks payable to
Putnam City Schools Museum with
"100 year Centennial Book (s) in memo line.
Please submit form and payment (if not paid online) to
Putnam City Schools Museum
C/O Putnam City Schools
5401 NW 40 TH
Oklahoma City, OK 73122